الأربعاء، 28 سبتمبر 2011

4-line time graph

The 4-line graph shows unemployment levels for men and women together, and for men only, in the EEC and the USA, 1972-81.
The highest rate of unemployment throughout the period was for USA men and women. There was a small drop in 1973 from 5M to 4M but then a sharp increase to 8M in 1975. From 1975 to 1979 there was a gradual decline but then a steep rise to 9M in 1981. For EEC men and women there was a similar drop in 1973 from 3M to 2.5M, followed by a fairly sharp increase to 6M by 1977. Levels remained steady for two years but then rose quickly to almost 9M by 1981. The lines for EEC men and USA men are quite similar. There was a drop in 1973, followed by an increase to 4M in the USA and 3M in the EEC. Both levels then remained pretty steady until 1980 and then there was another rise to 5M in the EEC and 4.5M in the USA.
The levels for men and women in both regions rose to almost 9M by 1981.
185 words.


The bar chart shows movies shown in Britain and Australia, by country of origin, in 2000. The line graph shows cinema attendances in the same countries, 1980-2000.
US films were by far the most popular. Nearly 80% of films shown in Britain, and nearly 70% in Australia were US movies. The remaining 20% in Britain were almost entirely British. In Australia, 10% were Australian, 5% British and just over 15% from other countries. Cinema attendances were predictably higher in Britain throughout the period 1980-2000. The figure in 1980, 100M, fell sharply by half in 1982. There was then a dramatic rise to 120M in 1986. After another drip in 1988, attendances climbed steadily to over 140M in 2000. In Australia also attendance halved from 40M in 1980 to 20M in 1982. The figure then increased to 40M again in 1984 and remained steady until 1990, after which it rose steadily to 90M in 2000.
US films were most popular in both countries and cinema attendances higher throughout in Britain.